Friday, July 26, 2019

Recruiting and Ad Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Recruiting and Ad - Assignment Example The general timeline will move backward from the search start date to the selection of candidate, and finally to the candidate hire date. The Recruitment Plan will encompass a 10 week process that spans the following elements in chronological order: Develop a concise statement to define the process and goal. Summary Statement for the Candidate search: Marvel Worldwide Inc. is expanding their creative universe with the addition of an energizing professional Product Review Technician for the Comic Book Division. We are offering excellent opportunity for an enthusiastic motivated Product Review Specialist to get their career off to a positive start. You will join our Creative team and have a range of duties and responsibilities including Quality Control and Product Synergy within defined parameters. The ongoing challenge of improving and streamlining our Creative department will require you to work and communicate closely with other members of our team. Decide upon the scope of publication for the current Candidate Search. Prepare an efficient and adequate applicant processing plan that is designed to create a short list of qualified candidates based on a qualifier pre-screening criteria. All Applications will be screened based on the following: Educational level, Editorial Experience, and Product Knowledge/Aptitude. Applicants are sub divided and grouped based on qualifier procedure. Highly qualified and skilled applicants receive a complete resume review including reference verification, verification of educational back ground and preliminary work history review. Applicants that are most qualified are contacted and scheduled for formal interview. Interview objectives are established and applicant testing/coordination exams are scheduled to correspond with interview schedules. Schedule ample time for each

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