Saturday, August 31, 2019

Life and Crimes of Harry Lavender Essay

The Life and Crimes of Harry Lavender is crime novel about contemporary Australian life, written with all the ambiguity and moral sophistication of most â€Å"who dun-nits â€Å". It looks like crime, and sounds like crime, and sells like crime, but — it’s Literature! Its Opening is a subversion of the genre – a reversal of expectation as we are duped into believing this is your typical male private eye (P. I. ). The role reversal – a female in a traditional male dominated field; women can do everything men can do – challenges the stereotypes of traditional crime fiction. Purpose: (themes, concerns, issues main ideas†¦.) 1. To create a sense of place — Sydney. Marele Day had spent four years travelling the world and when she came back to Sydney recognised its special charm and atmosphere. She became determined to write a book about it and its special appeal. a) Find references to Sydney, favourable and unfavourable. * what aspects are emphasized? * In totality how does Day present Sydney? * what are the links with the past? * what is meant by the â€Å"facade of Sydney’? 2. Corruption and suspicion vs probity and trust. 3. Effect of technology — have we become dehumanised? Will technology take over from humans? * What is the relationship between humanity and technology? 4. Isolation — Most of the characters are isolated in one way or another. * Find as many examples of isolation as possible. * What overall comment is made about isolation? * Is there a connection between it and technology? II. TECHNIQUE 1. Day uses a lot of the technique of modern day films – especially the â€Å"black and white† scenes on Harry Lavender. How is he portrayed? He is very detached and aloof. We the audience get to see and hear what Claudia is not privy to. Are these extracts from the book Mark Bannister was writing? 2. Comment on Claudia Valentine’s PhrasingÃ'Ž Claudia speaks in the manner of a hard-boiled worldly wise Private Investigator (P. I. ). slick, glib, swaggering, at times sassy (cheeky) and sometimes tongue in cheek. â€Å"Live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse† (22) â€Å"I was changing cars more often than I changed my underwear† (101) â€Å"But it’s one â€Å"It’ll be dead end if you don’t. Now move† (162) Word Play Double entendre (meaning) â€Å"It must have been a plant. † â€Å"A lavender plant. † (126) â€Å"Terminal illness† (6, 17, 20, â€Å"Alter, (141†¦ â€Å"curse, cursor (143†¦ heart ( 55, â€Å"waiting for the developers to give them a new lease of life, or maybe just a new lease. † (69) Humour â€Å"wit† â€Å"I wait for bald men to pass by and ash on their heads (23) one of the former and two of the latter, and the former is former† her reply to Steve regarding her marital status. ( 27) â€Å"You put it away, Otto, you don’t know where it’s been. † â€Å"That’s the trouble,† he moaned, it hasn’t been anywhere lately. (53) social commentary â€Å"Divorced? † â€Å"Isn’t everyone? † (27) â€Å"I had made a mistake getting into a car with a law-abiding policeman† â€Å"You young folk are always in a hurry,† she said managing a smile. (45) â€Å"pollution and syringes (54), women (54), fast food (68)Ã'Ž

Friday, August 30, 2019

Sex Trafficking

Comparative Review March 11, 2013 Thesis: Legalizing Prostitution will stop the spread of illicit Sex Trafficking. It seems like a normal day in her little village, until two shady men come and take her and all the young girls around the same age as her from their families. She is terrified and is scared of what may come next. The man repeatedly compliments her on her beauty and touches her silk soft skin. Crying only makes things worse and makes the man very angry. He hits them and calls them bad names as a punishment. Its been days since they took us, and has only given us little amounts of water to stay some what hydrated; and no food.This feeling is so surreal and this stuff actually does happen, beyond what people may think they know women and kids are being taken. In the article Enslaved in America by Tina Frundt it explains how typically Americans look the other way when they see prostitution but, neglect that these girls 50 percent of the time are forced into the Sex Traffick ing lifestyle. On the other hand Brenda Zurita’s article Legalization or harm reduction of prostitution and sexual trafficking writes about the government and the Sex trafficking laws says a different story.Sex Trafficking is illegal in the United States but why is there girls forced out of their homes and into this modern day slavery still occurring. In Bruce Kennedy’s Would legalizing prostitution help the US economy, it explains in simple terms how much one difference will create safer jobs and bring it much needed money to our economy. Which brings me to my next point; Prostitution should be legalized for those who want to retire in this way of life. It will have a positive effect on the economy bringing in billions in taxable income.In the increasing epidemic with Sex Trafficking; Tina Frundt, explains why this is truly a big issue worldwide. With this crime being unrecognized to a certain degree as it should in the shadows its really happening. The purpose of thi s article is to help understand the reasons â€Å"why. † Truthfully when I think of this topic I think of all the girls overseas who are being taken from their homes. As Frundt explains this is not only my opinion; most people have the same thoughts and are in the blind that this happens so close to home too. Not everything is said out to be the way it really is.All the bliss and publicity that the â€Å"pimps† is point blank ridiculous. â€Å"Young people use â€Å"pimp† in everyday conversation: â€Å"my ride is pimped out,† â€Å"your clothes are pimping. † They do not understand the reality behind the term. (Frundt)† This is a subliminal message about Sex Trafficking, the word is so powerful that it is misused and now taken for what it really is. Sex trafficking victims live in a cold, heartless, mistreated, and world full of violence. Raped and beat on the daily bases is only the least of these victims’ worries.Finding a way to e scape and lead a different life is the biggest and hardest goal to acquire. How are these victims found if they aren’t ever missed of even looked for? A promise for a better life, a good job and a new start is how many people end up in these types of situations. Having such a personal intake of Sex Trafficking, Frundt’s article is an essential piece that I find necessary to write about in my research. Unlike Frundt who shares a very particular share in Sex Trafficking, Brenda Zurita speaks from a point where anyone can understand more broadly.When the demand for prostituted people exceeds the available supply, women, children and sometimes men are trafficked in to meet the demand (Zurita). Children and women are usually the two that are easier to manipulate by letting them know what they want to hear. Often they are showered with gifts and affection that leave them wanting more. Than to keep an even tighter leash threatening comes to play, captors threaten their lives and the lives of their families. Which often leave victims to scared to leave to keep their families safe.The US government opposes prostitution for the reason that it is dehumanizing and harmful for people. Sex trafficking is what should be the center of focus. Trying to stop something that is known today, as â€Å"Modern Day Slavery† cannot just be stopped all together. In this case, and at the time former president George W. Bush stated that work in this field is not legitimate and should be not tolerated for humans of any sort. By legalizing we are creating a safer environment for those who chose this way of life.Traffickers often beat, humiliate, and torture their victims and can ultimately lead to murder. Pimps and traffickers, in order to make a profit, cater to their customer’s desires and supply prostituted people to fulfill their fantasies (Zurita). The legalization of Prostitution reduced the need for Sex Traffickers. Bruce Kennedy is all for the legalizatio n of prostitution, in my opinion it provides an economical relief. From the time that I can remember the US has been struggling with money. By legalizing this it brings in an outstanding 18 billion in taxable income from the sex industry.Although crime rates seem to stay the same, legalizing creates a better environment for those women who choose this life style. It brings better working conditions and makes it safer by not having pimps abuse their â€Å"hoes. † The challenge that seems to be faced is all the crime that would still happen. Technically pimps watch over their girls and make sure the guys they leave with are safe and will return the girls back accordingly. Without this it is expected that more kidnappings and murders are to be committed.A nights earning is expected to be around 500$ a night which attracts the criminal industry. The message and the information that I acquired from (Frundt), (Zurita, 2013) and (Kennedy, 2012) are essential to creating a strong res earch paper. They are all statistically inclined and include different examples of different situations that will help me outline my paper. Since Frundt’s article is the strongest of the three I plan on strategically planning out her experiences in a way that will coherently compare it to the others.Being a woman, myself I feel like I have a stronger connection with my topic because I could be categorized as well as other girls my age in the range how the Pimps choose their girls. I could not imagine myself in the position that hundreds of girls find themselves everyday. Spreading awareness on the topic is the way people are going to be more involved with the stop of Sex Trafficking. How is something going to be stopped if its only been advertised as a good thing, when in true reality it is the complete opposite. References Frundt, T. (n. d. ).Enslaved in America: Sex trafficking in the United States. WFN, Retrieved from http://www. womensfundingnetwork. org/resource/past-art icles/enslaved-in-america-sex-trafficking-in-the-united-states Kennedy, B. (2010). Would legalizing prostitution help the us economy?. Retrieved from http://money. msn. com/now/post. aspx? post=49c1f746-9b02-4ba4-a60f-67d3ccc1a6b5 Zurita, B. (2012). Legalization or harm reduction of prostitution and sexual trafficking. Retrieved from http://www. cwfa. org/articledisplay. asp? id=12632&department=BLI&categoryid=dotcommentary

Thursday, August 29, 2019

English Civil War and French Revolution Essay

The English Civil War and the French Revolution are characterized by a change in power that took place within their existing governments in a relatively short period of time. In addition, the English Civil War and the French Revolution were both initiated from the citizen’s unhappiness with the king’s rule. These were caused by a multitude of political, social, and economic problems residing in the English and French monarchies. In England, the civil war was a rebellion by parliament against the king. There was a direct conflict and struggle in determining each of their roles in governing the nation. After the Tudor dynasty ended with the death of Queen Elizabeth in 1603; her cousin, King James VI of Scotland became King James I of England and thus began the Stuart lineage. Though he was influential in his homeland, he knew little about the English laws, institutions, and customs. James believed in divine right and consequently alienated the parliament who were accustomed to the Tudor’s â€Å"balanced polity†. Parliament did however manage to keep the power of the purse and expressed their unhappiness by refusing the king’s money requests. King James’ additional failure was stemmed from religious affiliations. The Puritans in the country wanted James to eliminate the Episcopal system of the church organization in which bishops or episcopos held a major role in the administration and replace it with the Presbyterian model. This model was used in Scotland, replicated after Calvin’s church in Geneva where ministers and elders played an important governing role. However, their pleas were pushed away by James’ refusal because he realized in the Anglican Church, the bishops were appointed by the crown. This gave the monarchy supreme authority over church and state. At this time there was a growing opposition of the king and now the Puritans joined in with other English gentry. Conditions continued to worsen under the reign of James’ son, Charles I. He went as far to dismiss parliament altogether from 1629 to 1640 after recanting his previous agreement to the Petition of Right. The document prohibited taxation without parliament consent, arbitrary imprisonment, quartering soldiers in private homes, and declaration of martial law in peacetime. Charles collected taxes for his excessive spending without Parliament’s consent. Alienating himself further, Charles’ marriage to Henrietta Maria aroused suspicions about the king’s faith. She was the Catholic sister of Louis XIII of France and this upset the English Puritans. Charles attempted to introduce more ritual practices with the archbishop of Canterbury, William Laud. This struck Puritans as an effort to return to Catholicism. Charles’ fatal error was trying to impose the Anglican Book of Common Prayer to the Scottish Presbyterian Church, which caused many Scots to rebel. Without the financial backing needed to raise troops, Charles was forced to call the disbanded parliament. From November 1640 to September 1641, the new Long Parliament created a series of laws to limit royal authority such as abolishing arbitrary courts, repealing the taxes the king collected without their consent and the passage of the Triennial Act, which made sure Parliament met at least every three years. Some were satisfied with these reforms while radicals pushed for even more change. Charles tried to take advantage of this division by arresting some radicals including a large group led by John Pym. This final act made it clear that the king had gone too far which resulted in the English Civil War. Unlike the English Civil War, the French Revolution was closer to an uprising against the power of the monarchy and rich nobility by the peasants and middle class. Fifty years before the time the war broke out in 1789, France experienced a period of economic growth due to expansion of foreign trade and an increase in industrial production. France was broken up into three unbalanced estates. The first and second estates were made up of the clergy and nobles, which dominated society and led lavish lives and paid little taxes. The third estate was made up of peasants who were not included in the nation’s prosperity. The taxes necessary to maintain and pay for the first and second estate’s luxuries heavily burdened the peasants. They constituted 75-80% of the population but consequently only owned 35-40% of the land. Their discontent and struggle for survival played a vital role in the course of the revolution. The consumer prices rose faster than their wages, which resulted in urban groups unable to purchase necessities to live. A hardened resentment grew from both the lower and middle classes. Even the bourgeoisie were excluded from the social and political privileges dominated by nobles. At the same time, new critical ideas of the Enlightenment deemed attractive to groups aggravated by the monarchial system. The majority of French society was fed up with the old, rigid order based on estates and privileges and responded by taking drastic action against the regime. Crisis struck in 1787 and 1788 with bad harvests and the beginning of a manufacturing depression. This led to food shortages, rising prices and unemployment. One-third of the entire French population was poor. These people saw the lavish lives of the first and second estates, which led to increased criticism of their existing privileges. The parlements gained new strength and judges took on the role of â€Å"defenders of liberty† against the arbitrary power of monarchs. However, these efforts failed when they pushed their own interests and often blocked new taxes. The immediate cause of the revolution was the entire collapse of government finances. The court’s luxuries and costly wars took a toll and their expenditure grew to new heights. The government reacted by borrowing money, which created a huge interest on the debt they already owed. Charles de Calonne, controller general of finance, proposed a complete reconstruction of the fiscal and administrative system of the state. He convened an â€Å"assembly of notables† to gain support, but they refused to cooperate and once again their efforts at reform failed entirely. The French king, Louis XVI was forced to call a meeting of the French Parliamentary body, known as the Estates-General. At this point, the government was basically confessing that the consent of the nation was required to raise taxes. Louis initially thought this would be just a way to solve the immediate financial issues of the monarchy but actually ended up reforming the government completely and destroying the old regime. The revolution was officially initiated on July 14, 1789, when several starving, working people of Paris stormed into the castle of Bastille, demanding change. Despite their differences, the French Revolution and English Civil War stem from unrest of their citizens and their desire to transform and improve society. Clearly the main problem lay within the corruption and greed of people with authority. The powerful have influence over the political, social, and economic facets of society. However, in these instances, each monarchy failed to compromise by ignoring their own citizen’s frustrations and struggles. This left the civilians no other choice but to begin a revolution.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Management Information Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Management Information Systems - Essay Example omplete inherent chip intelligence has an added advantage in that their layering of the security tools ensure better encryption capabilities that are not existing on other conventional methods of payment such as the magnetic strips of the credit and debit cards, hence this will reduce any chances of counterfeiting and skimming of the payment methods (Coskun, 2012). Also security is largely depends on proximity and since the customer will hold the card near the NFC reader to make payment goes ahead to strengthen the security. By using NFC technology to make your payments is very convenient in the sense that it simplifies the process for the users to make instant payment through their phones or tablets. Using this payment method is considerably very simple to use and understand. It enables the customers perform financial transactions by simply touching the phone screens One of the most exclusive benefit of NFC is the employment of contactless payment. This allows customers to swipe their phone over a card reader without the necessity to using debit or credit card or even cash. This technology also allows the customer to select from multiple card to determine which one he/she wishes to use for any given transaction. With this feature the customer is able to save time and the possibility of losing their cards in the process (IEEE, 2012). Another of the beneficial implications of the near field technology to the customers today is their versatility. Their ability to cover a variety of uses and its ease of use using a regular device we carry dairy is very significant (IEEE, 2012). A customer can be able to do a variety of things such as read information from the NFC tags, pay for groceries or even pay for a taxi. With the rapid growth in the smartphone usage combined with the importance the NFC technology adds to it, customers will have whatever they need at any given time without having to pull out a wallet, cards or tickets (Ahson, 2012). NFC technology come with

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Biotechnology techniques Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Biotechnology techniques - Assignment Example Is this statement TRUE or FALSE, explain? (5 points) Electroporation is used to introduce DNA in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. This is the general method of introducing the foreign DNA into the desired cells. This method uses the electrical pulses to create a pore in the cell membrane and through these pores the foreign DNA molecule is inserted. 3. What are the 3 main sources of Stem Cells? (10 points) The 3 main sources of stem cells included Bone marrow, Bloodstream or peripheral blood and finally umbilical cord blood from the newborns. Bone marrow particularly those in the pelvis’ bones have rice supply. Blood normally has few stem cells, and when hormone like substances called growth factors are given to individuals, stems cells grow faster and move from the marrow to the blood. Blood left in the placenta and the umbilical cord of the newborns can be retrieved, store and utilized for future.   4. What is meant by humanization of mouse antibodies and what is the need for "humanization"?  (10 points) While using therapeutic antibodies or murine antibodies isolated from mice in humans, immunogencity problem arose due to the differing protein sequence. To alleviate this issue, specific regions within a mouse antibody called complementarity determining regions (CDR) are identified and transferred into human variable regions and this process is called humanization. When this is done, it will confer binding and so the resultant humanized antibodies can function without major immunogencity problem.   5. Which technology cannot be used to determine the function of a gene? Explain. (5 points) Stem cell technology cannot be used to study the gene function because, it is a method to produce the entire cell and study the organs and it is not the direct method of analysis of gene function.    6. cDNA microarray technology specifically evaluates the gene expression levels of ONLY microRNA in cells and tissues. Is this statement TRUE or FALSE? Explain? ( 5 points) No cDNA microarray technology is used for the analysis of all the genes and its function. cDNA technology is used to analyse the functions of known and unknown gene.    7. Which of the following gene expression strategies increase the number of different proteins available to the cell without increasing the total number of genes encoded by the genome?(5 points) Translation is used to increase the number of different proteins in the cell without increasing the total number of genes in the genome. By varying the mRNA translation, the protein synthesis is modified.    8. In the sequence given below, how many EcoRI recognition sites are present? Please circle them. (10 points)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  5’-ATGGAATTCCCAATTGAATTCCGGCTGAATTCAAA-3’   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3’-TACCTTAAGGGTTAACTTAAGGCCGACTTAAGTTT-5’ There are three EcoRI recognition sites in the given sequences. They are   5’-ATGGAATTCCCAATTGAATTCCGGCTGAATTCAAA-3’   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3â⠂¬â„¢-TACCTTAAGGGTTAACTTAAGGCCGACTTAAGTTT-5’ 9. What is meant by the statement, "Complementation screening of genomic eukaryotic clones will not work in E.coli because of absence of splicing machinery?" (10 points) E.coli is a prokaryote. The bacterial systems cannot remove the introns from the mRNA sequences. Complementation screening is the technique used to identify the mutations in the gene of interest. In this method, the selection is based on the capacity of the gene to get back the phenotype. The splicing mechanism is not present in the

External Analysis of the Automotive Industry Essay

External Analysis of the Automotive Industry - Essay Example rm has concentrated and accelerated its development of hybrid vehicles by providing customers with attractive and appealing cars people truly want, the chairman added (ibid.). The big opportunity for Toyota is to capitalize on its excellent goodwill and customer loyalty with the production of reliable automotive vehicles. Its Prius model is still regarded as the best-ever car among 300 models that are eco-friendly (Ikematsu & Honma, 2010, p. 1). However, the current fiasco over the Prius recalls (500,000 units recalled so far) due to sticky pedals and unintended acceleration has put Toyota in a bad light and together with the 8 million other Toyota models recalled worldwide, has put into question Toyotas manufacturing expertise and its priorities. Previously, the two earlier heads of Toyota (Sakichi and Kiichiro Toyoda, grandfather and father, respectively, of current president Akio Toyoda) had always emphasized the customer first in all its corporate decisions. This means Toyota has acquired a very excellent reputation for quality, performance, comfort, good mileage and a low price. But some independent analysts are of the opinion Toyotas present troubles are self-inflicted as it had strayed away from its original founders mission statement of serving the customers first. Priorities during Toyotas early years were always safety, quality and sales (a distant third) but the current presidents obsession to surpass the achieve ments of his predecessors by becoming the worlds number one maker (achieved in 2008 by eclipsing GM) led to quality problems. Instead, the obsessive drive to become number one caused Toyota some missteps that had greatly eroded its great brand name and excellent reputation for quality craftsmanship in the minds of consumers and other stakeholders. The year 2008 also saw the company posting its only second loss (but biggest) ever in its corporate history to the tune of US$4.8 billion. It had jumbled its priorities and put sales first and

Monday, August 26, 2019


UNREACHED PEOPLE GROUP PROJECT - Research Proposal Example These people have stack to their indigenous beliefs as there is no alternative to the formative religion. One of the emerging challenges in reaching out to these groupings is the lack of adequate knowledge on who they are and where they live. A host of organizations have identified this challenge and have made it their responsibility to search and identify these people in order to establish plans on how they can be reached. It is in carrying out these roles that organizations such as Joshua project inspire action. This proposal models its approach around the work of this project which has undertaken to identify people and regions where Christianity remains a mystery. In particular, this study focuses on Chinese who remain steadfast in their indigenous faith. The overall idea is to identify and develop a comprehensive plan that will accord the Chinese a chance to receive and benefit from the variable teachings of the Gospel. The study will fall within the wider theme of making disciples of all nations which was the clarion call to Jesus disciples while on his mission on

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Case study business law Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business law - Case Study Example For an adequate notice, all that is important is reasonable steps be taken b the proferens in bringing the exemption clause’s contents and existence to the notice of the individual that the clause is to be used against before or even during the time that the contract is entered into. When we take a look at the Balmain New Ferry Co v Robertson case, we find that it is without doubt that the requirement can be fulfilled by b the placement of the exemption’s terms on a notably displayed sign which would possible be seen by any normal or reasonable individual before or even during the time that they enter into the contract. A good case in instance is, Thomas v Shoe Lane Parking Ltd. Application: The board at the supermarket which had the readings ‘Nice to look at, Good to hold on, once broken considered sold,’ acts as a binding contract between Charles and the Bob Supermarket. It is clear that the supermarket met all the requirements to take care of its items a nd the clients as well. The clients or and any other person entering the supermarket is well made aware of the rules within the supermarket and any possible consequences once they are broken. Charles cannot claim to have not seen the notice as it is publicly displayed and should be seen by any reasonable individual. Conclusion: Therefore, the Bob Supermarket is right to ask Charles to pay for the broken tins of milk as there was sufficient notice to the clients as regards what is to be done within the supermarket or even how to interact with the items. Q2: Can Charles succeed in his claim against the Bob Supermarket for the poor quality of the phone and the poor photo taking quality? Discuss express and implied terms both under common law and the Sale of Goods Act 1986. Issues: Is the promise made by the Bob Supermarket to Charles bound by any law, or can it be considered legitimate? Principle: Past consideration cannot be considered to be a valid consideration (they are considered limited cases of exceptions where consequent promise would actually be binding). A good case in instance is Roscorla V Thomas. Consideration should be given to the actual promise that is given by the offerer. The consideration has to be simultaneous with the contract. Application: Exception usually come up where there will be a proper consideration if the offeree promises to make the payment and then consent to make a decision on the terms later; Servises that are offered at the request of the party making the promise, in conditions that come bring about an implication that a payment should be made for them; consequent promise might turn out to be binding in a contract of minors. Decision: There was no consideration since the contract had actually already been made before making the promise. This was therefore a past consideration. No breach of contract happened here as the promise made b the Bob Supermarket was not a compelling or valid consideration. Q3: Discuss whether the Bob Su permarket can use the exclusion terms effectively to protect themselves from Charles’ contract breach claims? Discuss using both common law principles and the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. Issue: The issue here is whether the warranty given was done before or during the time that the contract was entered or made by the parties. Judgment: The consumer protection constitutes organizations

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Elvis Presleys Photography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Elvis Presleys Photography - Essay Example This paper Elvis Presley‘s photography describes the importance of photography as a means of satisfaction to the person who is looking at the picture. Portraits of popular figures are more interesting to see than the stale photographs of oneself. You can keep on looking at a particular photo of your favorite sportsperson, maybe frame it on your wall, but you don’t usually keep the photo of your wedding in the bedroom. There’s also a section of society which exhibits family photographs in their offices for all to see. But the charm of a wall paper of Jane Seymour or Marilyn Monroe did a lot of good to boost the morale of the U. S. Army in Vietnam. But the beauty of portraits lies in the fact that they are meant more for entertainment than information, more for titillation than for satisfaction. The subjects of portraits know that the photographs are meant for public consumption and the public knows that the subjects know which makes the circles complete. However, i nformal portraits differ a great deal from formal ones for the simple reason that formal portraits are a bit boring. Thus the subjects of the portrait show obvious signs of unease. Except for a rare Lady Diana with her grace and charm, most of the subjects of portraits are awkward and uneasy, which impression leaps out of the photo to say, â€Å"I am doing this only because I have to be polite,† whereas informal portraits show people happy about just being themselves. This essay discusses the portraits one of the most famous men ever, Elvis Presley, the King.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Leader Effectiveness in Multicultural Environments Coursework

Leader Effectiveness in Multicultural Environments - Coursework Example Based on the previous journal entries, I should work on cultural communication, strategy, and cultural motivation skills. These skills are key to successful leadership because they determine how one can keep relationships with people from varied cultural backgrounds (Rowley & Poon, 2009). Cultural communication is the ability to communicate very well with people from varied cultural backgrounds. It is the ability to make individuals from different cultures to feel comfortable by adopting their cultural behavior and communication technique. Effective communication technique is necessary ingredients in the achievement of effective leadership. Cultural strategy refers to the set of techniques that one uses to handle situations that require cultural intelligence. It entails careful planning and execution of efficient management practices that facilitation the adoption of cultural behavior and communication from different cultures. Sometimes it is necessary for a leader to pause and perform a mental reset. The reset is necessary to ensure one is on the right track. The skills that are essential to the development of cultural awareness and effective leadership are cognition, metacognition, behavior, and motivation. The whole training will take one month. The timeline is a bit long because time is needed to experience different environments, which can facilitate the practice of several skills. Cultural communication will be the first skill to practice. The first week of the training will involve a real life experience in a multicultural environment. Placing myself in a multicultural environment will help me to focus on cultural behavior and practices to master how to communicate with people from different cultures. The goal is to master the specific behavior associated with communication in different contexts. The ability to understand cultural behavior and related it to communication

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Observational Essay Essay Example for Free

Observational Essay Essay Observations are a type of primary research that involves spending time watching people or other creatures interact with each other and the world around them. Observations are used in nearly every field and can be incredibly useful in gathering information. Types of Participation Before observing, consider how you as an observer may alter the event being observed.  ·How fully will you participate in the event?  ·Will you simply sit, watch, and take notes with no interaction?  ·Will you interact with the participants?  ·Will you become a participant yourself? These different choices can radically change what you end up observing. The mere presence of an observer may alter the eventsand if you interact with participants, you further risk changing what takes place. The other side to this is that by not participating in an event, you may not gain a complete understanding of that event. How to Observe When observing, it is especially important to separate observations from your feelings or reactions to observations. A good way to do this is to take your observations in a double-entry notebook. A double-entry notebook has two columns, one for what is directly observed and one is for what the observer interprets from the events. Here is an example: Observation: The teacher walks around the circle and speaks to each student individually. Interpretation: The teacher seems to want to make sure that each student understands the assignment. If you are observing a group that is not found in public (such as a group of card players, a sports team, or a special-interest group), it may be wise to plan to spend multiple sittings with the group. This will allow the group some time to adjust to your presence (and hence, for you to get more accurate observations). Recordings vs. Note-taking How will you be observing? Will you be taking notes in a notebook? With a laptop? Will you be recording your observations in some way (with a digital camera, video camera, digital recorder, etc? How you choose to observe is  another important consideration that can affect the quality and results of your observations. Remember that you cannot capture everything that takes place with a recording or by even by taking detailed notes. What to Observe Observational skills require some practice! The key to being a good observer is to pay attention to the details of a situation, write as much as you can, and write it as detailed as possible. Before you observe, you should consider how you will focus your observationsbecause you cant focus on everything! Research is required for this essay. Read the sample observational essays and note how the students integrated research into their work. source: Write an observational essay about an intriguing place, person, or activity in your community. Your essay may be a brief profile of an individual based on one or two interviews: a description of a place or activity observed once or twice; or a longer, more fully developed profile of a person, place, or activity based on observational visits and interviews conducted over several days. Observe your subject closely, and then present what you have learnedin a way that both informs and engages readers. Use lots of description. Possible topicideas for observation (see your text for more ideas): -a church or temple (interview the minister/members) -a classroom (interview teacher/students) -a popular hangout -a hospital -any place that’s different or gets you outside of your comfort zone -a ride along with an officer -an AA meeting -a protest -a jail -hospice -homeless shelter -shelter for abused women with children

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Geomorphology of Kuwait Essay Example for Free

Geomorphology of Kuwait Essay Kuwait is a Arabic state, which lies in the North-West corner of the Persian Gulf between 28o and 30o latitudes and between 46o and 48o longitudes. It shares a border with Iraq on the North and with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. On the East it is washed by waters of Persian Gulf. It’s total area makes 17,820 square kilometers. The climate is dry desert with hot summers and cool winters. The terrain is flat with the lowest point of zero above the sea level and the highest point of 306 above the sea level (the location is unnamed). Most of the territory is a desert with only about 1% used as arable lands and for growing permanent crops. A great part of the territory is occupied by the city El-Kuwait – the country’s capital. Other major towns include Jahrah, Salmiya, Shuwaikh and Hawalli. Irrigated lands cover 130 square kilometers. Natural resources include petroleum, natural gas, fish and shrimp. The country suffers from lack of fresh water, so it possesses one of the world largest distillation facilities. Other geographic problems include sudden sandstorms, which usually happen between March and August and heavy rains which are usual for the period from October to April . Historical and Current Geology of Kuwait The country’s relief has been formed in the recent Quaternary geological era. The southern part of the country rests on a long, north-oriented dome of limestone laying beneath the surface. It is here where oil resources of Kuwait can be found. The western and northern parts of Kuwait rest on layers of sand, gravel, silt, and clay, covering limestone to the depth up to 210 meters. This layers of sediments have been formed by dried-up riverbeds called the wadis. The greatest of the wadis is Wadi al Batin – a broad and shallow valley forming the northern frontier of the country. Limestone geological formations, especially in the places where they lay close to surface, are principle suppliers of water for Kuwait. In 1960 a large aquifer has been discovered in the western portion of Ar Rawdatayn geological formation, which is now used for distilled water production, covering most of the country’s needs. On the south from the city of Kuwait another water field has been discovered in the top of the limestone of the Ash Shuaybah. The water here is salty, so it is used mostly for agricultural and commercial needs. Where waters come close to the surface, oases appears, enlivening the landscape of Kuwait . Basic Geomorphologic Terrains of Kuwait Mainland Most of the Kuwait’s land has no remarkable geomorphologic features like high mountains, rivers, ridges or depressions. A sandy desert of the country is mostly flat, gradually slopping to the sea. Some researchers point, that the land is not really a desert, but rather a semi-desert, because in winter there is a notable vegetation sufficient to support camel herds. However, for most of the year it is really sandy. This landscape is broken by the ridge at Jal Al-Zor – a series of low hills and shallow depressions. The highest point of the ridge is 145 meters above the sea level. The ridge is cut into two by Umm Al-Ramam Wadi. The southern part of Kuwait is flat with exception of Ahmadi hill (137 m) . In the centre of the country it’s coast bends forming the Gulf of Kuwait, where the capital of the country lays. The sheltered waters of the bay create a number of salty marshes, lagoons, and mud flats. In the center of the gulf lays a small Umm an Namil Island. About 40 kilometers to the south from El-Kuwait lays 120 meters high Al-Adan ridge, a series of heights similar to Jal Al-Zor . Another remarkable geomorphologic terrain in southern Kuwait Sabkha deposits – a number of irregular closed lowland areas. Two different types of Sabkhas are recognized: costal sabkhas and inland sabkhas. The costal ones are situated mostly in the Al-Jailaiaha and Al-Khiran areas, being extended along a costal depression. Inland sabkhas are situated in the desert areas of Al-Maqwa, Urafjan, and Al-Gurain. On the Kuwait’s west. Both types of sabkhas are subjected to changes after sandstorms. They may be entirely filled with sand an disappears, and new sabkhas may appear. Based on the study of sands and presence of bones fragments in most of the sabkhas, it has been concluded, that most of the sediments in the sabkhas come from Al-Dibdibbah deposits from the Arabian Shield igneous and metamorphic rocks . Coastal Area The coast of Kuwait is divided into nine geomorphological potions, out of which four are lie along the northern muddy shoreline and five in the southern sandy area. The northern part includes large portions of bays, which are filled with water during high tides and for most of the time they are areas of muddy ground. They are limited by costal sabkhas or sandy drifts. Intertidal channels form sandbars near the waterlines . In contrast to this, the southern portion of the coat is characterized by steep sandy beaches, narrowed by wide rocky intertidal platforms, covered with sand and other sediments. In many places those rocky surfaces are dissected by intertidal channels and shallow gulleys. The low water line is marked by numerous sandbars. Sometimes they are formed in berms by waves . Costal Islands Kuwait’s territory includes eight major islands and a number of minor ones, situated in the northern and southern part of the country respectively. Along the southern part of Kuwait coast five minor islands are situated: Miskan, Awhah, Kubbar, Qaruh, and Umm Al-Maradem and one bigger island Faylakah, which is the only inhabited island of all. The islands are subjected to variable tiding conditions and winds and this preconditions their roundish shapes. The northern islands of Miskan and Awhah rest on a shallow platform which is a part of a larger Faylakah Island structure. The three southern islands rest on separate platform each which is most possibly of reef origin. Beach sediments of the islands consist of sand and biologic measures, which makes them similar to the shores of Kuwait mainland . The Faykalah island is situated 20 kilometers away from the coast near El-Kuwait and has quite a different ecosystem in comparison to the mainland. It is used mostly as a recreational zone because the Iraqi have depopulated the island during the invasion in 1991, so there are only few local residents living there. 16 kilometers south-east of Faykalah lays the Auhah Island, which is 800 meters long by 540 meters wide and uninhabited except for a lighthouse. 29 kilometers off of the coast of Faykalah the Kubbar Island is situated. It is almost round in form and has flat sandy surface. Separately stands a large island of Bubiyan, which, under it’s geomorphological conditions, is very much similar to Kuwait northern mainland It is separated by Khawr Abd Allah channel on the northeast and Khawr as Sabiyah channel on the north. The latter channel also separates it from Warbah Island, which is 15 kilometers long and 5 kilometers wide and lays only a hundred meters away from the mainland. The surface of the island is a muddy flat. The Bubiyan is connected with the mainland by a concrete bridge, which is, however, for military use only. The terrain of the island is similar to the one of the northern Kuwait mainland. It is a flat desert and semi-desert area with shores being sandy or muddy. No remarkable depressions or heights exist on the island. Between Bubiyan and Faykalah lays the Miskan Island, which is uninhabited save for a lighthouse, but it is vital for the country as part of it’s defensive frontier. Other islands include Umm al Maradim which lays between Kuwait and UAE territorial waters. It is 1,5 kilometers long and 540 meters wide and is known for deep waters around it, which allow ships to safely anchor. 17 kilometers away from this island is Qaruh Island, which received it’s name after Qar – an Arabic name for petroleum sediments, great amounts of which can be found on the island. It is the smallest and the most remote island of Kuwait which is only 275 meters long and 175 meters wide. Works Cited: 1. 2007 CIA WORLD FACTBOOK. Kuwait (CD-ROM), Progressive Management, 20062. Francesca Davis Dipiazza. Kuwait in Pictures, Twenty-First Century Books, 2006 3. A. Al-Hurban , and I. Gharib, Geomorphological and sedimentological characteristics of coastal and inland sabkhas, Southern Kuwait, Journal of Arid Environments Volume 58, Issue 1, July 2004, Pages 59-85 4. Mohamed I. El-Sayed and Dhia Al-Bakri, Geomorphology and sedimentary/biosedimentary structures of the intertidal environment along the coast of Kuwait, north-western Arabian Gulf. International Journal of Earth Sciences. Volume 83, Number 2 / July, 1994

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Counselling Education for Social Problems in Schools

Counselling Education for Social Problems in Schools COUNSELING EDUCATION FROM UPPER PRIMARY TO TERTIARY LEVEL OF EDUCATION: IN QUEST OF CONTROLLING SOCIAL ILLS AMONG STUDENTS (Kiambu County) TABLE OF CONTENTS (JUMP TO) Abstract Background Information Aim of the Research Literature Review Methodology Ethical Issues Data Dissemination Timetable Budget References Abstract Case of drug abuse and early pregnancy in teenage girls has been on the rise. As a result; many girls are dropping out of school and young men indulging into crime due to addiction to drugs. You find that most of the time spend by young kids is spent in institutions of learning and therefore the need to invest a lot into this age bracket (9- 18 years). It is around this age that this children question things, seek to identify themselves with something or someone, there is also growth in reproductive health (E. Njagi, 2009). They are also very eager to try almost everything. A two to three hours session fortnightly would have less impact to their live. Instead, if it is incorporated into the curriculum; it would influence behaviors positively. The future of a republic is vested in this age. Hence, no one should ever neglect these children. Inclusion of guidance and counseling in curriculum would compel students towards embracing a culture of responsible behavior. This research proposa l will therefore, seek to gather information so as to establish the way forward in advising making of policies in the education sector. This will be through action research Background Information Survey reports presents millions of young men and women indulging into socially unaccepted activities. This even with having departments in the government working towards ensuring that, the society is â€Å"clean†. It is evident that we might not get rid of drugs and substance abuse, crime and teenage pregnancy. But most ultimately we can work towards reducing the numbers. Whether one is rich or poor, if they are not informed about some things; they might fall victims. Even though my research is based in Kiambu County, it would go a long way in advising the government on policy making in the education sector. We can immunize the degree of social ills if only we take responsibility. And one is by ensuring that guidance and counseling is included in the curriculum of upper primary, secondary and first year of tertiary learning. It is alarming that according to F. Chesang (2013, pg 126), Up to 30 to 40% in class seven, eight and form one have taken drugs at one time or another. Drugs abused are available next to every family’s door. They are available next to every family’s door. They are available everywhere anytime, in kiosks, bars, social gatherings and over the counter. They are available in every street corner, sold by the street people and other specialised gangs. So, as investors and entrepreneurs mushroom everywhere around the society. The government should also advance their scope of protecting the promising population from manipulation and enticement into venturing into drugs and other social ills. It important that we establish ways to ensure that, a population is healthy. A healthy population is a productive population. Aim of the Research The aim of this research is to establish problems encountered by students, and they have no possible way of overcoming them. This problems include peer pressure, domestic violence etc. which as a result if there is no mechanism to counter the force; they might end up in drugs, drop out of school, engage in pre marital sex, venture into crime, abortion etc This research would also help unravel social ills that might have been neglected, as a result leading to confusion of identity among young population. With confusion; there is likelihood of engaging into socially unaccepted practices. There has been less contact at the learning institutions; in this case, as far as guidance and counseling is concerned. As result, the growing and curious students end up picking on bad behaviors due to lack of information. It will endeavor to help the government come up with structure and strategies to ensure total protection of the juvenile as enshrined in the de facto constitution of the republic of Kenya. It is protection from anything that might challenge their academic and skills development focus. This research will also seek to establish the prevalence of the drugs and knowledge about them Literature Review Many scholars and scientists have been able to identify many types of social ills and researchers disseminating diverse findings and statistic about them. One challenge that come about is the fact that schools have guidance and counseling departments but they are rarely up to task. Character and knowledge might be gotten from homes (J. Drescher, 1973) but institutions have got more to do in building character of its students. We can be proud of schools but, according to Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (2012) there was an increase in number of reported offences from 9,929 cases (2009) to 10,016 (2011), in Central Province which is actually the highest compared to other provinces. Citizen Television last year featured, young men in Dandora as young as 14 years, having guns and actually already being in criminal activities The age mentioned in my research is very critical. It holds the future of a republic. They are adventurous and therefore, they need to be monitored. The curriculum that exists is okey for children development, but it would be appropriate to have formalized guidance and counseling at all levels of child development (J. Greata, 2006). R. Maithya (2009) says that Families can have a powerful influence on shaping the attitudes, values and behaviour of children. During socialization, parents and family members direct young peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s conduct along desired channels, and enforce conformity to social norms. In traditional African society, socialization began with the birth of a child and progressed in stages to old age, building on preceding socially recognized achievements. Again, there are several levels of socialization apart from family, it includes, peers and school is also very important in socialization. It is the reason why there is needs to have guidance and counseling incorporated in the curriculum. It will only help create a culture of responsible acts. It is important to note that we cannot isolate kids from their peers hence, the need to come up with ways to help them relate effectively without negative influence, from the age of 8, students detach themselves from their parents in need of some sort of independence, their employ logic in reasoning and experience improved understanding of concepts. It is where friends matters most and hence, kids can be easily manipulated by morally corrupt peers (J. Greata, 2006). As soon as students join secondary school. They are at a greater risk of indulging into drug abuse and making it an obsession. All this happens in quest of recognition and seeking to conform to codes of a certain group. It could be through coercion, protection from bullies or extension of a habit that started in the final years of primary education. With all this challenges, it is important to note that the young population contributes 50% of the total population (G. Ondieki, Z. Ondieki, 2012). According to Ndirangu (2004), traditional values and family patterns, which had, for long given the society coherence, sense of belonging and identity have been assaulted and in some cases, discarded altogether in our shrinking global village'(cited in G. Ondieki and Z. Ondieki, 2014 pg 467) access to media content that would be violent or even explicit, exposure to western culture among other factors influence the lens they view the world with. The only placed to channel most resources is where this kids spend much of their time. G. Ondieki and Z. Ondieki, 2012 also mention that, Kenya is committed to providing education for every child not just for human rights but also as a necessary element for social-economic development. Consequently drug use and abuse is therefore identified as one of the problems that hinder children from taking full advantage of educational opportunities. We can therefore understand the intensity at which lack of structured guidance and counseling affect the nation. It only by understands the fragility of teenagers that we can be able to embark on a lasting solution toward eradicating drug usage in Kenya; but by also putting up structures that will help save this generation. Y. Ronen (2004, pg148) captures a very crucial point in the importance of allowing children to self actualize themselves in their identity, allowing them to explore. But again, it is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that they monitor their children while at home while the mandate shift while kids are in the institutions of learning. Methodology While in the field, I will employ diverse action research approach method. This is because; my endeavor will be coming up with qualitative data. Since I will be dealing with students, staffs, government officials and school drop outs, I will ensure maximum use of focus group discussion, and interviews where necessary (especially when dealing with staffs and government officials). After each day activity in the field, in the evening we will be working on data interpretation and analysis. So, as not to leave out some data that might be of importance to our findings This will also allow for informal discussion on topic defined by the researcher Ethical Issues As researchers there are different people to whom I pay my allegiance to. In this case, my respondents/interviewees are the ones that should show loyalty and integrity. Since they are vulnerable, while working with focus groups, I will ensure that there is total immunity from their identity being known to the recipients of my finding. So, I will give name letters or numbers for the sake of their security. While doing research, I will allow them to bombard me with information so that I can have a lot to withdraw data from. The names will neither be known by readers of my work or policy makers if they take up the findings. Any data surrendered to me will remain private and confidential. Data Dissemination As soon as I complete my research; I will focus on attending to seminars involving education sector and the National Agency for the Campaign Against Drug Abuse (NACADA). I also plan to submit my work to a legitimate publisher to be printed as books. Policy briefs will further my dissemination of my findings; especially meeting with policy makers on topical occasions. I also plan to send my work to journal publishers so that scholars can access and use it for their scholarly work. One Month Timetable For the Field Work BUDGET FOR THE EXECETION OF THE ASSIGNMENT (ONE MONTH) References E. Njagi, 2009, Child Growth and Development II, Longhorn Publishers, Nairobi, Kenya R. Chesang, 2013, Drug Abuse Among the Youths in Kenya, International Journal of Scientific Technology Research, Volume 2, Issue 6 J. Drescher, 1973, Seven Things Children Need, Herald Press, Pennsylvania, USA J. Greata, 2006, An Introduction to Music In Early Childhood Education, Delmar Cengage Learning R. Njoroge, G. Bennaars, Social Education and Ethics, Transafrica Press, Nairobi, Kenya Y. Ronen, 2004, Redefining the Child Rights to Identify, International Journal of Law Policy and the Family 18 , page 147-177 G. Ondieki, Z. Ondieki,2012, The Preconditioning Factors of Drug Usage and Abuse Among Secondary Adolescents in Kiamokma Division, Kisii County, Journals of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies(Scholarlink Research Institute journals) R. Maithya, 2009 Drug Abuse in Secondary Schools in Kenya: Developing a programme for Prevention and Intervention (Project Submitted in November, 2009 for Socio-Education). University of South Africa N. Pelt, 2009, Train Up a Child, The Stanborough Press Limited.

The Death of the Moth by Virginia Woolf Essay -- Papers

The Death of the Moth by Virginia Woolf "The Death of the Moth," written by Virginia Woolf, explains the brief life of a moth corresponding with the true nature of life and death. In this essay, Woolf puts the moth in a role that represents life. Woolf makes comparisons of the life outside to the life of the moth. The theme is the mystery of death and the correspondence of the life of the moth with the true nature of life. The images created by Woolf are presented that appeal to the eye. For instance, the moth's body during the death is appealing to the eye. The image makes the reader more interested. The essence of true life is energy. As Woolf describes, "I could fancy that a thread of vital light became visible. He was little or nothing but life" (Woolf 427). The thread of vital light represents the energy. Woolf employs several stylistic devices that make the essay more interesting to the reader. The changing in tone, lengthy sentence structure, and personification are three devices that are significant in the essay. Throughout the essay the tone changes by Wool...

Monday, August 19, 2019

Alienation in All Quiet on the Western Front :: All Quiet on the Western Front Essays

Alienation in All Quiet on the Western Front      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to the Webster's New World College Dictionary, alienation is 1. Separation, aversion, aberration.   2.   Estrangement or detachment.   3.   Mental derangement; insanity.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The theme of All Quiet on the Western Front is about how World War I destroyed a generation of young men. It has taken from them the last of their childhood years, it has destroyed their faith in their elders, it has taught them an individual life is meaningless--and all it has given in return is the ability to appreciate basic physical pleasures. According to Paul, though, the men haven't entirely lost human sensitivity: they're not as callous as they appeared in Chapter 1, wolfing down their dead companions' rations. It's just that they must pretend to forget the dead; otherwise they would go mad.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Remarque includes discussions among Paul's group, and Paul's own thoughts while he observes Russian prisoners of war (Chapters 3, 8, 9) to show that no ordinary people benefit from a war. No matter what side a man is on, he is killing other men just like himself, people with whom he might even be friends at another time.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   But Remarque doesn't just tell us war is horrible. He also shows us that war is terrible beyond anything we could imagine. All our senses are assaulted: we see newly dead soldiers and long-dead corpses tossed up together in a cemetery (Chapter 4); we hear the unearthly screaming of the wounded horses (Chapter 4); we see and smell three layers of bodies, swelling up and belching gases, dumped into a huge shell hole (Chapter 6); and we can almost touch the naked bodies hanging in trees and the limbs lying around the battlefield (Chapter 9).      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The crying of the horses is especially terrible. Horses have nothing to do with making war. Their bodies gleam beautifully as they parade along--until the shells strike them. To Paul, their dying cries represent all of nature accusing Man, the great destroyer.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In later chapters Paul no longer mentions nature as an accuser but seems to suggest that nature is simply there--rolling steadily on through the seasons, paying no attention to the desperate cruelties of men to each other. This, too, shows the horror of war, that it is completely unnatural

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Three Approaches to Coping with School Violence Essay -- Exploratory E

We humans have always sought to increaseour personal energy in the only manner wehave known: by seeking to psychologically steal it from others—an unconscious competition that underlies all human conflict in the world. (James Redfield, 1993, The Celestine Prophecy, New York: Warner Books,65–66) Some school critics and statisticians have observed that drug-dealing, vandalism, robbery, and murder have replaced gum-chewing, â€Å"talking out of turn,† tardiness, and rudeness as the most chronic problems afflicting today’s schools. If the intent of this observation is to shock and rattle the public’s sensibilities, it’s working. Of course, some of us may interpret such suggestions as merely dark, stoic, and cynical—â€Å"scare† tactics quite in keeping with the current national mood about many social issues these days. Yet, as a profession (and a society) maybe a little shock treatment now and then is good for us, especially if we ourselves work in relatively â€Å"safe† schools and communities. Maybe it’s time to remind ourselves that one school’s problem can become every school’s problem if the profession at large is not watchful and careful. No school is immune to the potential of extreme violence, as many of us, without meaning to, have learned. If you’re a long-time, veteran English teacher, you may never have thought you’d see the day when an issue of English Journal would be devoted to school violence. The idea never occurred to me, either. But here we are, and here that issue is. And, what’s more, it’s high time. While none of us needs convincing that the violence problem is serious in a great many places, some of the statistics are sobering. The National Education Association (March 1994) reports that the number of children... ... suffice. Works Cited Anderson, Elijah. 1994. â€Å"The Code of the Streets.† TheAtlantic Monthly (May): 81–94. Elam, Stanley M. 1993. â€Å"The 25th Annual Phi Delta Kappan/Gallup Poll.† Phi Delta Kappan (Oct.): 137–152. â€Å"Guns Among Young People in the U.S.† 1993. Youth Record. Washington, D.C.: Youth Policy Institute. (Aug. 3): 10. Jones, Clarisse. 1994. â€Å"Report Shows Violence Rising in Schools.† The New York Times (Aug. 13): 27. Merina, Anita. 1994. â€Å"Fighting School Violence Means Taking on Guns.† NEA Today (Mar. 12): 4. Survey of the American Teacher 1993: Violence in America’s Public Schools. New York: MetLife. Zimmer, Judith. 1993. We Can Work It Out. Culver City, CA: Social Studies School Service. Denny Wolfe is professor of English Education andDirector of the Tidewater Virginia Writing Project atOld Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Postal Rule of Acceptance

Four main justifications of Postal Acceptance Rule i. ‘Ad infinitum’ Justification Postal rule had existed almost for 200 years and the post had been creating problems for people which the courts are obliged to solve them logically. Why it had been creating so many problems for people and that we will be discussing later on. For now let’s look at the four main justifications for postal rule of acceptance. It came from Treitel and he believes that the four main justifications are for the creation of postal rule.First of all, the first justification is the â€Å"Ad Infinitum† justification where its main rationale is that acceptance by post has to be valid on posting because if there were no postings which mean there is no contract formed. Based on the case of Adam v Lindsell, the defendant actually mail the offer of selling wool to plaintiff and the plaintiff was requested on mailing back to the defendant. Unfortunately there was an error in the offered pric e and plaintiff did not receive it.We can thus conclude that the defendant had not receive the letter of acceptance and therefore the defendant assume that the plaintiff did not want to accept his offer so he sold the wool to a third party. There was actually a contract exists before the sale of the wool because acceptance made right after the mail is being mailed. Therefore, the defendant was liable in breach of contract. In this case, it might go on ad infinitum because once mail is being posted which means that acceptance is being made.Of course, there is a high level of uncertainty because of the distance between the two parties causing them difficulties for the formation of contract. ii. ‘Symbolic Act’ Justification In this justification, rationale being that the offeror must be considered as continually making (the offer) until he has brought to the knowledge of the person to whom it made that it is withdraw. Based on the case of Brogden v Directors of Metropolita n Railway Co, there was a contract sent by the defendant (Directors of Metropolitan Railway) to the plaintiff (Brogden) regarding the contract.The plaintiff agreed the contract by signing it and return to the defendant. The defendant then filled in the blanks without informing the plaintiff about the acceptance. Since there is no acceptance being communicated between the both parties, the plaintiff did not supply the company with coals. Thus, there was subsequently a dispute arose that whether the written agreement was valid. Although the action of communication of acceptance had not been showed clearly, in fact the written agreement was valid despite no acceptance being informed.Reason being both parties had already agreed on the terms of the contract without any objections. In the real world, we do not see an offeror consistently making an offer to people, and subsequently this justification seems to be attempting to affect a useful acceptance rule rather than providing any real r ationale for the postal rule. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. The Law of Contract, 11th Edition, 2003 page 25 [ 2 ]. Stevenson P. J, 2010 [ 3 ]. (1818) 1 B&A 681 [ 4 ]. Henthorn v Fraser (1892) 2 Ch. 27 [ 5 ]. Stevenson P. J, 2010

Friday, August 16, 2019

Children and education Essay

?Children’s mind is considered as white sheets, so it is easy for us to write on them as we want. In fact, some experts believe that children should begin to learn foreign language at primary school. In my opinion, there are many advantages to learn a target language as a child. First of all, the most advantage is they can learn a great number of vocabularies. Take my brother an example. He began studying English when he was six years old. Therefore, he knows many thematic vocabularies. Having graduated from high school, he finds it easy to communicate with foreigners by a wide knowledge. Next, learning foreign language as child helps children to imitate rightly pronunciation of native languages. For example, my daughter in grade two learns English two days a week. She often listens to songs and stories by native’s voice. As a result, she can imitate their voice and rhythm to pronounce rightly. Last but not least, another advantage is they can remember the pattern sentences longer. They can practice some patterns by repetition method. In reality, ones are repeated so many times that they remember them deeply, and that helps them to reflect quickly in context communicate. In brief, with above-mentioned reasons, it is better for children to begin learn foreign language at primary school than at secondary school. They will achieve a wide, strong knowledge as well as their self- confident to enter a bright future. Learning a foreign language at primary school or secondary school is very necessary for children. However, some people think that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. There are a lot of controversial opinions about this problem. In my opinion, I agree with this statement because of the following reasons. Firstly, learning a foreign language at primary school helps children develop their skills better. Nowadays, children of all primary shcools in the nation have to study the foreign language, mainly English. At primary school, children have focused on learning vocabularies, how to pronounce†¦At this age, the children’s brain is developing so it is very easy for them to learn the foreign language. Moreover, the children of primary school have a lot of time and conditions to learn the foreign language because they have less subjects at school. The chidren should begin learning the foreign language at primary school because it will help them to develope their skills including reading and speaking skill. If the children begin learning the foreign language at secondary school, they will face a lot of difficulties in their study because they do not have the basic knowledge of foreign language. At secondary school, the children have to spent more time on different subjects, therefore they do not have more time to learn the foreign language. Secondly, to begin learning the foreign language at primary school helps the children to pronounce more exactly. The program of teaching and learning the foreign language at primary school and secondary school is different. If the children begin learning the foreign language at secondary school, they will study more skills such as writing, speaking, reading, listening, grammar and new words. Hence, it is not good for children to begin learning the foreign language at secondary school. Unlike the secondary school, the children of primary school only learn the vocabularies, the way of pronunciation and simple sentences. Learning the foreign language at primary school will create many favorable chances for children to prepare firm knowlegde and this hepls them to learn the foreign language at secondary school better. In conclusion, to begin learning the foreign language at primary school is better than secondary school. The children should begin learning the foreign language at primary school because this is an important period that hepls them build basic knowlegde of foreign language.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Niccolo Machiavelli and his influences on modern day leaders Essay

Niccolo Machiavelli was a creator of political theories in the 1500’s. He served the Republic as a diplomatic negotiator and as a military supervisor. When Florence went back to a monarch system, the Medici family return to power and exiled Machiavelli for his past criticisms that he made towards the family. Machiavelli then wrote â€Å"The Prince† to complement the Medici family and as a way to regain their approval. A good leader is a person who after leaving his/her country leaves his/her people content, the economy stable and is able to maintain their integrity. Machiavelli’s views of war being the most import aspect that a leader must think of, it is okay for a leader to be untruthful and it is better to be feared over loved would not be successful in the 20th century. Machiavelli’s ideology of a good leader would not work in today’s standards since his ideas our too extreme for our times. If a leader only pays attention to war, he only supplies safety for his people and neglects the other aspects that are crucial for governing. Focusing on the idea of war, can cause tension that may provoke a war. This feeling that results affects countries immensely as it tends to leave countries in a state of devastation. Adolf Hitler is an example of a leader who caused a war. By putting Germany at war and losing the battle against the Allies, Hitler set his country back many years, causing them to rebuild their society and economy. To further show that war is not the most important factor of governing, is during George Bush Senior’s term as a president of the United States. Two major events occurred that affected the American people tremendously. First, the Gulf war; Bush was able to resolve this situation in a short period of time and the American people commended him for it. The second event was the American recession of the 1990s. This fall came late in Bush’s term as president. When Bush was up for re-election, he lost to Clinton. Although he had won the war, Bush was not re-elected because he had allowed the economy to fall. With these examples, it is evident that war is not the most vital aspect to governing. A good leader must use all means to resolving a dispute, before relying upon war. One Machiavelli idea that a leader should follow is, there are two methods to fighting, one by law and the other by force. A leader’s integrity shows to the people that their leader is not afraid to tell the truth. To have integrity means that one no matter what, one stays true to their word under any circumstances. Machiavelli’s thought of a leader being untruthful would not work today because if a leader was found lying, it would be printed on the presses the next day. With the media following so close to every word a politician says, it would be demeaning for a leader to have his people find out that he is a hypocrite. So Machiavelli’s idea of being strong, unchangeable and positive would be some ideal qualities of a good leader. Maintaining a strong and positive image of oneself is what enables one to be a good leader. To be feared over loved may have worked in the past but not in the present. In a democracy being loved is what enables one to maintain their status as a leader. If a leader is more feared then loved, it creates a greater desire from the people to defy or overthrow the government. A leader that was loved by a majority of his people was Bill Clinton. He was loved because he was able to maintain a stable economy, keep peace and gave many benefits to his people. By doing so he served another term as president. Clinton did not have to strike fear into his people in order for him remain in power. Machiavelli’s theology of being feared over loved may be true, but it is inhumane and immoral for a leader to use death as way to instil fear into his people in order to stop the people from being rebellious. If a country’s people revolt against their leader, it is a sign for the leader that his people no longer believe in his governing of their country. If one has the qualities of a good leader and leads his people well then one does not have to resort to fear as a way of governing. When Machiavelli wrote â€Å"The Prince† the political theories and qualities on which he insisted worked during his time. For relevance to the 20th century, it does not apply as many of his views are outdated. During the 1900s, we now focus more on economy and not on war. We only use war as a means of settling disputes, not to gain land or money like they did in the past. The use of lies as a way to control ones people is unfamiliar to our times. To use fear as a way of governing and to use the tactics that Machiavelli suggested to inflict fear would not function, as his suggestions infringe on  human rights, which are now so closely monitored. The majority of Machiavelli’s theories of the perfect prince would not be successful for a leader of today, for his ideas are too radical.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Andy Warhol Essay

Andy Warhol is one of the significant famous personalities of the twentieth century. He is an artist, a film maker, a celebrity and even a businessman. Warhol advanced the Popular art movement in America. He made compelling and controversial art works that yielded praises and even criticisms. Warhol had once said, â€Å"I’d prefer to remain a mystery. I never like to give my background and, anyway, I make it all up different every time I’m asked. It’s not just that it’s part of my image not to tell everything, it’s just that I forget what I said the day before, and I have to make it all up over again† (Wrenn Andy Warhol: in his own words).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Andy Warhol was born in 1928 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as the son of Slovakian immigrants. His father was Andrej who was a construction worker who died when he was 13 and his mother was Julia. According to his mother, Warhol suffered three nervous breakdowns in his childhood (Andy Warhol). By 1945, he entered the Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon University) where he majored in pictorial design . After college, Warhol went to New York and started his career in illustration and advertising for several magazines including Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar and The New Yorker (Cribbs Andy Warhol: Biography). It was film director Emile de Antonio who encouraged Warhol to start as an independent   artist because he considered commercial art as a real form of   real art. His fondness for art and commerce gained him several recognitions from established organizations (Andy Warhol).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   During the 1960’s, many of Andy Warhol’s most famous and iconic images were generated. By adapting various images from popular culture, Warhol created many paintings that remained icons of 20th-century art, such as the Campbell’s Soup Cans, Disasters and Marilyns. In addition to painting, Warhol made several 16mm films which have become underground classics such as Chelsea Girls, Empire and Blow Job (Cribbs Andy Warhol: Biography). Most of Warhol’s films were deemed plotless,   complex and somewhat pornographic. Though there were scripts, most of the dialogues in his films were improvised by the actors who were usually transvestites, homosexuals and his acquaintances. According to Warhol, he never particularly wanted to make simply sex movies, but attempted to show how people can meet other people and what they can do and what they can say each other. Warhol’s gradual withdrawal from films production coincided with his near fatal shooting in 1968 by a female ‘factory’ reject connected with an anti-male hate group (Andy Warhol). More so, in this period, Warhol moved to the â€Å"Factory.† It was his place at Union Square in New York City where he and his team of hired workers massly produced screen prints of popular culture. This immediately became the hangout venue for   artist, musicians, and actors where they expressed their individuality. The Factory also served as a working place where he produced most his masterpieces in art and film (Andy Warhol Biography).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the 70’s amd 80’s, Warhol had expanded his empire beyond mere art making. He was in the center of a corporation that produced films, books, plays, and was involved with television (Andy Warhol). He founded inter/VIEW magazine. He also created two cable television shows, â€Å"Andy Warhol’s TV† and â€Å"Andy Warhol’s Fifteen Minutes† for MTV . More so, Warhol had several collaborations with younger artists such as Jean-Michel Basquiat, Francesco Clemente and Keith Haring (Cribbs Andy Warhol: Biography). In his book The Philosophy of Andy Warhol he wrote: â€Å"Business art is the step that comes after Art. I started as a commercial artist, and I want to finish as a business artist. After I did the thing called ‘art’ or whatever it’s called, I went into business art. I wanted to be an Art Businessman or a Business Artist. Being good in business in the most fascinating kind of art† (Andy Warhol).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Andy Warhol died after a gall bladder surgery on February 22, 1987. His funeral was attended by his friends, colleagues and more than   2, 000 fans at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York (Cribbs Andy Warhol: Biography) .   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Warhol made a huge contribution in art history. His eccentric personality brought him to beyond levels of stardom. He constantly shook the art industry with his controversial art works that were considered avant-garde during that era. Warhol’s personality have been subjected to several suspicions. His concepts and interpretations gave an impression that he was a homosexual. According to Wayne Koestenbaum’s psychoanalytical interpretation, everything was sexual for Warhol, who was †as gay as you can get† and he also said that â€Å"Warhol’s major artistic contribution was reinterpreting the worth of cultural waste products† (Andy Warhol). Many would think that Warhol is not a true blooded artist because mainly for the fact that he was driven by monetary ambition and even came to the point where he became obsessed in being rich and famous. But he proved that business can be mixed with art making. He utilized the best of both worlds, which are the corporate world and the art world. In a but shell, he merged art, wealth and fame producing the Pop Artist Andy Warhol (Andy Warhol Biography). Works Cited â€Å" Andy Warhol Biography.† 28 February 2008   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   . â€Å"Andy Warhol.† 2000. Books and Writers. 28 February 2008   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   . Cribss, Martin. â€Å" Andy Warhol: Biography.† 2002. The Andy Warhol Foundation for the   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Visual Arts.   28 February 2008 . Wrenn, Mike. Andy Warhol: In His Own Words. Omnibus Press, 1992.

In what ways has Internet changed fashion journalism Essay

In what ways has Internet changed fashion journalism - Essay Example The paper tells that social technologies are no longer a niche market of lifestyle activities for the user of the Internet. Blogs, video-sharing applications and social networks are becoming mainstream activities globally, thus changing the methodology of relationship with media and fashion. The mainstream properties of Internet usage are dominating the distribution and flow of information in very wide demographic audiences. Traditional fashion journalism, such as fashion magazines, provided limited opportunities for gaining market interest or disseminating information as these sources of journalism were targeted as specific, homogenized groups of potential buyers that were restrained through geographics. Fashion industry marketers now have a much broader audience to target using blogs, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter (as several examples) in order to promote their information and products. The mainstream aspects of Internet usage no longer constrain the fashion industry in gaining mar ket interest, which can lead to higher profitability or establish a quality fashion brand. Traditional fashion journalism relied on cultural intermediaries, individuals in society â€Å"who transmit information from those engaged in the creative and production processes of fashion design to consumers†. These include photographers, journalists, ad agencies, salespersons and celebrity models. Cultural intermediaries bring value to the fashion content or marketing strategy as it relates to targeting customers or providing valuable fashion information. For instance, the usage of celebrity models gains sales advantages from the consumer culture under social learning theory. This theory describes that individuals in society will model the beliefs or behaviours of role models who are deemed credible and attractive in the eyes of the receiver so long as they witness the model being rewarded for these actions (Neubert, Carlson, Kacmar, Roberts and Chonko, 2009). This has been one of the fundamental aspects of providing equity and value for fashion journalists as the legitimacy, in the eyes of society, of the cultural intermediaries provides reproduction of similar values and attitudes. This has, traditionally, led to higher sales for fashion merchandise through fashion journalism and associated print or televised media. The Internet, despite those who believe it is eroding traditionalism in fashion journalism, is still modelled against the value of cultural intermediaries. Why is this? Consider the fashion blog as a relevant example. Fashion blogs allow for interactive commentaries to be posted by a variety of consumers where compliments or complaints can be searched by hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of Internet users worldwide. â€Å"Peers listen to and trust these reviews† (Fichter, 2007: 27). Under Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, a model that is intended to serve as a template for universal foundational motivations and needs, individuals in society are motivated by affiliation with peer groups (Gambrel and Cianci, 2003). The fundamental needs for a sense of

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Review the Files for Three Scenarios and Advise the Crown Prosecutor Essay

Review the Files for Three Scenarios and Advise the Crown Prosecutor Supervising Your Training - Essay Example Notably, this has significant impacts on his credibility and would greatly influence any decision for prosecution. In this scenario, it is also worth noting that the suspect’s divorce case has direct implications on his attitude towards the case. This should be put in consideration because to a great extent, it could have probably influenced the decision that he made with respect to committing the crime. Also worth mentioning is the fact that the suspect had been drinking. In this regard, alcohol and relative drinks have negative implications on the decision making capacity of an individual. Influence of alcohol undermines objective decision making and can make an individual to indulge in activities without understanding the implications for this. The suspect’s decision to settle the case out of court also has direct impacts on decision making in this respect. This implies that he has already assumed criminal responsibility and understands the legal implications of his actions. On the level of public interest, there are various factors that need to be considered and analyzed accordingly. Legal provisions at this point assert that although out of court settlements have been made, factors pertaining to the criminal record of the offender as well as the seriousness of the offence can inform prosecution. According to research, there are certain facts whose presence in the scenario increases the likelihood of the suspect being convicted (Howell, 2011, p. 51). As aforementioned, the suspect has committed the same offence for the second time. The previous offence regarding smashing of an office window had similar facts as this one. Seemingly, it also occurred after an argument with the contractor and involved smashing of a glass window using a stone. Although he has already footed the current damages, this trend implies that he is likely to repeat the crime in future. Put differently, the criminal behavior of Nathan is likely to be repeated in future. Th e sentence for the offence is three months imprisonment and or a level 4 fine. Notably, this sentence is not significant as compared to the sentences of other criminal offences such as assault. However, this offence involved a threat of violence. Presumably, the suspect could have used the stone to cause more harm to the victim, her children or the victim’s property. Further, the fact that this offence was committed in the close proximity of two children increases its likelihood for prosecution. From a legal standpoint, children are protected by the law and committing an offence within their proximity should be avoided at all costs. Conversely, there are factors whose presence in the scenario reduces likelihood for conviction. To begin with, Nathan has exhibited compliance with regard to out of court settlement. He has already affirmed that he indeed committed an offence and has taken practical steps to pay for the relative damages. Basing on the preceding analysis, Nathan sh ould be prosecuted for the criminal offence. He has committed an offence with similar facts for the second time, did this in the proximity of the children and was under the influence of alcohol. Arguably, he exhibits a significant level of irresponsible behaviour and basing on his criminal record, he is likely to r

Monday, August 12, 2019

The Impact of Afterschool Programs within California High Schools Research Paper

The Impact of Afterschool Programs within California High Schools - Research Paper Example This report declares that in the study of the impact of after school programs within California high schools, the variables were debate, church, track, football, baseball, basketball, swim team, lacrosse, soccer, karate, volleyball, tennis, cheerleading, gymnastics, dance, no after school activities, students’ academics and community involvement. Variables are the factors or elements which make up a given argument as they act on each other in various ways. They are the determinants of how a given phenomenon shall turn out to be. There are different types of variables. Generally speaking, there are the dependent variables and the independent variables. The independent variables are those which do not change regardless. This paper makes a conclusion that doctors and psychologists concur that indeed at the high school age, the students have a young body and brain all of which are growing at a very fast rate. There are very many changes that are taking place in the body of the students at this point in time and putting too much stress on them is a recipe for disaster. In this regard, considering the fact that the academic content in high schools is one of the toughest and nerve racking, it is very recommended that a way is devised for taking the stress away from the students. There is no better way than engaging the students in after school programs on a daily basis. It is a source of comfort that is effective in the restoration of sanity to the young minds of the high school students. In the study of the impact of after school programs within California high schools, the variables were debate, church, track, football, baseball, basketball, swim team, lacrosse, soccer, karate, volleyball, tennis, chee rleading, gymnastics, dance, no after school activities, students’ academics and community involvement. Variables are the factors or elements which make up a given argument as they act on each other in various ways. They are the determinants of how a given phenomenon shall turn out to be. There are different types of variables. Generally speaking, there are the dependent variables and the independent variables. The independent variables are those which do not change regardless. They are not affected by any other factors or variables. They are usually factors which are either permanent or are changed by supernatural factors. In this case, they are the students’ academics and community involvement which are always invariable. On the other hand, dependent variables are those which rely on other variables so as to act in a given fashion. They cannot stand on their own as changes which occur on other factors would alter them to behave

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Write an annotation entry consisting of a Citation, a brief Summary, Essay - 8

Write an annotation entry consisting of a Citation, a brief Summary, and a short paragraph Evaluation of the text below - Essay Example sident Obama acknowledged the fact that there is no need to have the Ferguson’s report to establish the truth that racial discrimination still exist in the current generation. Nia-Malika views that part of the speech as a way by which the president is making a call that people need to be cowards but focus on the past and not just the events of Ferguson to justify the existence of racial discrimination. Gwen reflects on the recent statement by the attorney general at the same event and asks if that is a responsibility or a burden to the first black president. In giving her response, Amy says that it is both a burden as well as a responsibility but admits that the speech by the president sought to offer hope and the realization not all is lost in the quest for a generation of impartial racial treatment. She admits that inequality still exist in the America society and it is closely tied to education and income. Gwen proceeds on another part of the speech in which the president directed his statements on close to 100 members of the Congress in the wake of their call to renew the voting rights Act. The president acknowledged the fact that the voting rights Act was one of the greatest achievement of American democracy which was as a result of the efforts by both the Republicans and the Democrats. The act was signed by various former presidents such as Reagan and Bush while they were in the Oval Office. Henderson argues that the statement has a lot of impact among the Republicans whom she considers to be a bit different from those of the past hence they are likely to show a different view of the Act. Amy considers the Act to be partially partisan in relation to geographical distribution of the various races in the Unites States. On the part of Hillary Clinton using her personal emails for official duties, Amy comments that she has to stand out on her own to defend herself without expecting the help of anyone. The interview by Gwen is very useful as it offers a deeper

Saturday, August 10, 2019


NURSING LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT FIELD EXPERIENCE - Essay Example Much worse is the fact that many patients are missed out of diagnosis that will follow the emergency care of these patients (Attard Biancardi, 2013). The American cardiology college, American heart association and the European society of cardiology, jointly recommended the minimum time of intervention on ST elevated myocardial infarction patient as 90 minutes from the time of medical contact (Brodie, et al. 2010). They went further to make it a policy used to predetermine the quality performance on patients with myocardial infarction by hospitals. The findings on the hospital performance are recorded in the registry hence used to assess the performance of the respective hospitals. However, from records obtained from hospitals participating in the national registry of myocardial infarction, there is a small percentage of compliance to the guidelines. For instance in the year 2009, there was 35 percent of patients with ST elevated myocardial infarction attended to within the first 90 minutes and less than 15 percent of the participating hospitals had a median of 90 minutes in the time taken to attend to the these patients as Correi a, et al.(2013) observed . Willson et al. (2010) established that there are different subgroups of patients that are more susceptible to delays than others are. For example, most patients that are brought in during the off hours (weekends and during the night) experience more delays than those brought in during the day and the week. Second are the patients referred forms other facilities of acute care, since there is a problem in coordinating the two facilities on the emergency basis. According to the observations made by Cheskes et al. (2011), every minute of delay in patient with STEMI affects one-year mortality. In fact, the 1-year mortality rate is elevated by over 7.5 percent for every 30 minutes delay as observed by Pitta, et al. (2010). Explanation

Friday, August 9, 2019

Critical thinking Mo Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Critical thinking Mo - Coursework Example Some of the banks that have been affected by the uncertainty in the oil industry are those from the European Union, America and from the oil producing countries, however, banks in the United Arab Emirates have remained relatively stable especially in the bleak outlook of oil industry of 2011. Revising down of the economic outlook of the growth of OPEC countries from 3.7 to 3.6 was an ill advised idea, this is because that made the stakeholders get an escape path from being innovative and implementing structures that would have ensured that the growth rate is maintained even in the reduction of global demand for oil and oil products. Looking for other ways to diversify risk and cushion the economies would have produced better results than just revising down forecasts for growth. Investments in the oil industry are a key in ensuring stability in oil production and the $300 billion the OPEC member states have set aside for upstream investment in the oil industry is a right step in the right direction. Ensuring constant supply of oil and maintaining a reserve potential will enable the OPEC countries to be able to regulate prices from rising too high or going down too low. The idea of United Arab Emirates bank having weathered the economic crisis of the euro zone that happened in 2011 being solely dependent on internal structures to manage their risk preparedness is far-fetched and cannot be solely relied on to explain the stability. This is because the country, which exports second hand goods to Africa, has a significant part of its economy being driven by these exports; banks’ diversifying their products to this sector was also a contributing factor that made them more stable amidst the euro zone crisis. However, internal structures are needed in the banking industry of the oil producing countries especially those that have no other source of revenue to drive their economy and failure to this may

Overview of a Luxury Fashion Brand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Overview of a Luxury Fashion Brand - Essay Example This paper "Overview of a Luxury Fashion Brand" looks at one Burberry as a luxury brand that has been successful despite the challenges that have existed in the fashion market. In this paper an overview of Burberry is given based on its success in the industry. The brand has been outstanding and is defined by the Britishness, independent luxury positioning and heritage as well as history. Compared to other brands in the fashion industry such as Prada, Zara and Ralph Lauren, the brand has been doing fairly well. Burberry is a distinctive global luxury brand that was founded in 1856. The group has a British background. Over the years the company has built a strong and outstanding reputation for innovation, design, and craftsmanship. The group has much focus on outwear, best known for its trench coats. The company designs, produces as well as sell products under the Burberry brand. The company based in London sources its raw materials from UK and other external suppliers it forms networ k with. The content of marketing as well as marketing programs; analogue and digital, are internally designed to promote the brand and product features to the consumers. Being that its products are sold globally through proprietary retail shops as well as third party wholesale customers, the brand needs a strong fashion marketing strategy to counter the competition in the fashion world. Marketing is in fact one of the core corporate functions that keeps the brand at par. The brand has also embraced digital marketing.