Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Management Information Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Management Information Systems - Essay Example omplete inherent chip intelligence has an added advantage in that their layering of the security tools ensure better encryption capabilities that are not existing on other conventional methods of payment such as the magnetic strips of the credit and debit cards, hence this will reduce any chances of counterfeiting and skimming of the payment methods (Coskun, 2012). Also security is largely depends on proximity and since the customer will hold the card near the NFC reader to make payment goes ahead to strengthen the security. By using NFC technology to make your payments is very convenient in the sense that it simplifies the process for the users to make instant payment through their phones or tablets. Using this payment method is considerably very simple to use and understand. It enables the customers perform financial transactions by simply touching the phone screens One of the most exclusive benefit of NFC is the employment of contactless payment. This allows customers to swipe their phone over a card reader without the necessity to using debit or credit card or even cash. This technology also allows the customer to select from multiple card to determine which one he/she wishes to use for any given transaction. With this feature the customer is able to save time and the possibility of losing their cards in the process (IEEE, 2012). Another of the beneficial implications of the near field technology to the customers today is their versatility. Their ability to cover a variety of uses and its ease of use using a regular device we carry dairy is very significant (IEEE, 2012). A customer can be able to do a variety of things such as read information from the NFC tags, pay for groceries or even pay for a taxi. With the rapid growth in the smartphone usage combined with the importance the NFC technology adds to it, customers will have whatever they need at any given time without having to pull out a wallet, cards or tickets (Ahson, 2012). NFC technology come with

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