Saturday, August 24, 2019

Elvis Presleys Photography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Elvis Presleys Photography - Essay Example This paper Elvis Presley‘s photography describes the importance of photography as a means of satisfaction to the person who is looking at the picture. Portraits of popular figures are more interesting to see than the stale photographs of oneself. You can keep on looking at a particular photo of your favorite sportsperson, maybe frame it on your wall, but you don’t usually keep the photo of your wedding in the bedroom. There’s also a section of society which exhibits family photographs in their offices for all to see. But the charm of a wall paper of Jane Seymour or Marilyn Monroe did a lot of good to boost the morale of the U. S. Army in Vietnam. But the beauty of portraits lies in the fact that they are meant more for entertainment than information, more for titillation than for satisfaction. The subjects of portraits know that the photographs are meant for public consumption and the public knows that the subjects know which makes the circles complete. However, i nformal portraits differ a great deal from formal ones for the simple reason that formal portraits are a bit boring. Thus the subjects of the portrait show obvious signs of unease. Except for a rare Lady Diana with her grace and charm, most of the subjects of portraits are awkward and uneasy, which impression leaps out of the photo to say, â€Å"I am doing this only because I have to be polite,† whereas informal portraits show people happy about just being themselves. This essay discusses the portraits one of the most famous men ever, Elvis Presley, the King.

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